
When consumers research a product or serviceonline before making a purchase, most of their decisions are shaped afterwatching videos. Video marketing is definitely creating an impact on consumerdecisions, and digital and content marketers have long ridden on this trend.

The effectiveness of video marketing hasattracted a lot of brands and marketers, but the overwhelming number of videocreators has also made it difficult for many video marketers to build anaudience. It's not a hopeless case though since there is always room for everyvideo marketer with the use of the right strategy. Here are some ways you can gain YouTube views.

Use keyword research and otherSEO tools

To increase organic traffic to your videos onYouTube, there are two things you can do that with some research skills:

lTackle trending topics: Search for topics thatare being talked as of the moment, and use those topics in your videos. YouTubehas a Trending category which is a rich source of topics. Twitter has a list oftrending topics too. You may also use tools like BuzzSomo which return a number of top postsafter you type a keyword. The search results will give you an idea about howpopular a topic is.

lUse targeted keywords: Aside from tacklingtrending topics in videos, you also need to search for popular keywords relatedto the topic. You can use these keywords as a hashtag on the video title,description, and metadata. Keyword research can be as simple as using Google'sautocomplete search functionality or through tools like BulkSuggest.

With the right topic and keywords, your videocan appear in the search results. You have the potential of attracting newsubscribers and building an audience.

Embed your YouTube videos on yourblog

Brands and businesses that use YouTube forvideo marketing usually have blogs with a number of followers. In this case,embedding YouTube videos on blog posts makes sense and can be beneficial. Forone, it allows you to put targeted keywords into action and draw organicwebsite traffic while increasing your YouTube views at the same time.

You can also put the videos on the sidebar. Itwill be more beneficial though to write a blog post that's related to the videoor include the video in an existing post.

Embedding YouTube videos in a blog post isquite easy to do. You only need to copy the link of the YouTube video and embedit on your blog post. For WordPress-based blogs, you can just use the video'sURL, like this:


For your videos to have a wider reach, make iteasy for blog visitors to share the videos. Do this by using tools which placesocial share buttons on your blog.

Share your YouTube videos toother social media platforms

Most of the time, companies already have asolid fanbase on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Share videos onthese other social platforms and provide a short but catchy description. Thereare social media tools that you can use to make this cross-promotion easier andautomated. Examples of these tools are Buffer and CoSchedule which let you build a promotiontemplate and schedule for your YouTube videos.

If you have an email subscription list, youmight as well share your videos to your subscribers. For instance, if yourvideo is a tutorial about your product or services, you can share it with yourexisting clients through email. If it's a marketing video that can shape thedecision of potential clients, then share it through email as well.

Join conversations in relevantcommunities

Your social media followers and email subscriptionlist can potentially increase your YouTube videos, but they are mostly limitedto your existing fan base. To tap into other segments of your target audience,know where they usually "hang out" outside of social media. You can join onlinecommunities where you can share your videos.

Quora is the best example of this. You canbuild your online presence on the platform which can be converted to YouTubeviews. What makes Quora special is that the people there are already askingspecific questions that are related to your product or service.

Used the right way, Quora can be lucrative foryour marketing. Make your answer stand out by not sounding too much like asalesman. Make the people feel that you're there to answer the question insteadof just plugging your video.

Focus on content to increaseYouTube views

Video marketing, if done correctly, can dowonders for your company since it is the most consumed type of content. Videosinfluence people's decision making and can effectively turn your potentialcustomers into loyal, paying ones.

Video marketing works similarly to other typesof content marketing. You still have to do keyword research and make sure thatyour YouTube video tackles a trending topic, at least for your niche. Don'tforget to use targeted keywords in the video title, description, metadata, andhashtags.

After taking care of these technical details,start promoting your videos on social media platforms, blogs, emailsubscription list, and online communities usually visited by your targetaudience. With content marketing strategy, you can get more views on YouTube.


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