once in a while I come across these sub4subers on youtube. And I click into thier channel to see what it's like. It's often the same result, the channel contains videos that are all really crappy videos that shows how few efforts they put in. And they do Sub4sub to try to increase their sub count. Make crappy videos and do Sub4sub to build a YouTube channel, does that sound right? If that's right, then what's the meaning of YouTubing?
youtube is a place for content creators to share thier content to the world. A subscriber is a person who likes what he/she just saw and are following your channel because they want to see more. So a REAL subscriber, watches your videos and thus increases your views.
on the other hand, when your getting subs through Sub4sub, the people subscribe to you not because their interested in your content, it's because you subscribed to them. So they will be very unlikely to watch your videos. So when your doing Sub4sub, you getting fake subscribers who are not watching your videos.
Do you think pewdiepie got 85 million subscribers by going to 85 million other channels saying: 'hey subscribe to me and I'll sub back!' ?
Not only it makes you look like a dick doing it, it's actually against the rules. And google can take your channel down if you get caught. According to google:
You just want to get more subs, and your risking getting your channel taken down. Does that sound like a good way to go?
Some people may think: hey even if I'm not getting views I still have a higher count. When you subscribe to a channel on YouTube, YouTube will show that channels new uploads in your feed. When the sub4subers see your videos on their feeds, thier probably not going to click on them because once again they subbed just because you subbed, not because their interested in your content. YouTube tried to show your videos to other people, but none of them clicked on it. When YouTube sees this, they'll consider that your making bad content and will negatively affect your channel.
As a youtuber myself, I understand what it feels like to get subscribers. It's amazing. You feel like your the best person in the world. If I hit a thousand subs one day, I'd throw a party to celebrate. But remember, you want real subs that watches your videos, not fake sub4subers.
So just make good content, get views, and get subscribers, that's how it works.