
YouTube is the web's most popular video sharing platform, boasting over 1.8 billion users each month (and counting!). Video is a valuable asset to any content creator, but it can be hard to figure out where to beginning. With so many topics and such a large amount of popular content already out there, YouTube beginners can easily get overwhelmed. As the leading supplier of YouTube views (and many other services) the QQTube team has seen it all, and we're here to help you simplify success! This week we're focusing on ten tips that can help you start your YouTube journey !

1) Keep it simple

While we all want success to come easy, it's not realistic to assume that you can immediately achieve the same level of success as a veteran YouTuber just by purchasing the same equipment they have, or by using the same editing software. Remember, YouTube has been around for over a decade, so many more seasoned users will have the experience and skills to back it up! Start simple, and don't worry if your camera isn't the fanciest model or if you're new to video editing. Keep your videos short and sweet, your footage easy to follow, and your script clear and friendly.

A good way to gain inspiration for when you're just starting out is to watch the earliest posted videos by your favorite YouTubers. In this way, you'll be able to see what kind of content they posted, the format of their videos, and the way they interact with the camera. Compare this to how they create their videos now and you'll understand just how much work goes into creating a video with a high level of professionalism (and money) behind it. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, and definitely don't be afraid to be a beginner.

2) Stay social

As much as you want to build your brand independently, there is power in collaboration and sharing. Be sure to spread the word about your videos across platforms, starting with your friends and family. A well-shared video has a greater chance of being found by the user base of not only YouTube, but Facebook, Twitter, and any other platforms that you choose to share it on. And for simple sharing, check out our YouTube Shares service!

Sharing can increase your audience not only to your own network, but to the networks of every person who shares it after you. When you share your content on your own profiles, be sure to write a little bit about what you're sharing, why you're sharing it, and how it can benefit those who choose to click on it. Convince social media users that your content is worth their time and you're one step closer to building a global audience!

3) Do what you love

Not a fan of gaming videos? Then don't make them! Trying to create content simply based on what you think is popular isn't going to result in success. Your viewers are smart - if you're not 100% dedicated to the content that you create, they'll be able to tell. Stick with topics that you're passionate and knowledgeable about for maximum results, and don't be afraid to branch out as long as you are truly interested!

If you're not sure what to focus on - maybe you have a large variety of interests or nothing that really stands out in particular - focus on three to five areas and see which one pulls your attention (and your audience's attention) the most! For example, if you like travel, food, photography, fashion, and self-help, but you don't like the amount of work it takes to make travel videos and your audience doesn't really care for fashion or self-help content, you know that your food and photography content will be a great focus for future content. Play around with new ideas and combinations and be sure to pay attention to what your audience does and doesn't like.

4) Maintain a positive outlook

Negative comments can take a toll on your motivation and self-esteem, but it's important that you do your best to ignore it. Accept and learn from constructive criticism, and brush off rude comments - it's a reflection of the user, not you! As long as you're enjoying yourself and doing your best, there's no shame in creating content that you get excited about, no matter what your haters say.

Your audience can be a great source of feedback and constructive criticism, but if you're reluctant to create content because of what others might say, you can always turn off the YouTube comments feature until you feel more confident in yourself and in your content.

5) Pay attention to your audio

A video that's occasionally out of focus can be forgiven, but many users' biggest pet peeve is low-quality audio! Make sure that your viewers can hear what you're saying, or they won't stick around for long. You don't have to invest in an expensive microphone or any other fancy equipment - your laptop or camera will work just fine! Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

lMake sure you're sitting close enough to the device that's recording your voice

lBlock out any external sounds, such as the TV in the other room or your neighbors playing in their yard. Close your windows and doors!

lAdd sound effects after your film using your editing software. Playing music or other audio while you're filming will distract from your voice.

6) Don't be afraid to learn from your mistakes

As your skills improve, you mind find yourself rewatching old videos and noticing all the things you did wrong. That's great! This means that you've gained the knowledge and experience required to analyze your past mistakes and learn from them. Take the opportunity to recreate your old content with your new skills - you'll be improving the overall quality of your channel's content all while having a fresh pool of content ideas at your disposal.

Don't just rehash the same information though, spruce it up with updated information and reflect on what you've learned in the days since. Your audience will appreciate your self-awareness, and they might just be inspired to start their own YouTube channel!

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